UO’s science literacy program cultivates scientific curiosity
Becky Hoag | The UO Science Literacy Program (SLP) strives to improve science literacy by providing instructors and graduate students with effective teaching methods.
Invited keynote speaker on Slow News Visuals
Nicole Dahmen Slow News Conference. Eugene, OR. June 2018
Pairing investigative and solutions journalism: A new model for accountability journalism
by Brent Walth, Nicole Dahmen and Kathryn Thier Journalism Research and Education Section, Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, Eugene, OR. June 2018
Seeking to restore trust: U.S. audience perceptions of contextual reporting
by Nicole Dahmen (with Jesse Abdenour, UO, and Karen McIntyre, VCU) Journalism Research and Education Section, Annual Conference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research, Eugene, OR. June 2018
Invited keynote speaker on Visualizing Voices of Resilience
Nicole Dahmen Visual Communication Studies Division Pre-Conference, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic. May 2018
Mending a fractured relationship: A solutions journalism framework for re-considering the journalism/nonprofit relationship
by Erin Hampton, Nicole Dahmen and Kathryn Thier Mass Communication Division, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic. May 2018