Oregon’s coal-free future: Where will power come from?
Nick Rosenberger | With the ongoing global climate crisis, the debate about how electricity can be produced by cleaner, renewable energy continues to heat up.
Nick Rosenberger | With the ongoing global climate crisis, the debate about how electricity can be produced by cleaner, renewable energy continues to heat up.
Gina Scalpone, Zack Demars and Donny Morrison | For more than 20 years, the community court model has been touted across the U.S. as an alternative for people who end up in court over and over again, often for the…
by Nicole Dahmen and Brent Walth | Newspaper and Online News Division, Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco, California.
Whitney Woodworth and Hannah Kanik | The first-of-its-kind survey revealed significant differences in how Brady lists—the index of problematic officers—are handled from county to county and with variable outcomes.
Ryan E. Little, Zack Demars, Nick McCool, Theresa Diffendal, Gina Scalpone, Aneurin Canham-Clyne and Riin Aljas | Catalyst was a founding member of “Nowhere to Go,” the student-run national investigation reporting project into the criminalization of homelessness. The project, overseen by…
By Donny Morrison | June 18, 2020 The coronavirus and the ensuing shelter-in-place orders created an unexpected safe haven for Eugene’s unhoused community
Nick Rosenberger | The production of energy and emissions from the Boardman Coal Plant—the last such plant in Oregon—will come to an end in just a few months and mark the end of an energy era.
By Kelsey Harnisch, Megan Yarck and Kiva Hanson Oregon’s elderly population has the highest rate of suicide in the state. According to data from the National Violent Death Reporting System, the suicide rate for Oregonians aged 65 and older is…
by Jesse Abdenour, Karen McIntyre, and Nicole Dahmen | The “gap” between journalist and audience expectations could be one reason why news media credibility is generally low. Journalistic expectations are often explored through analysis of the news worker’s role in…