Academic Journal Articles
Appealing to News Audiences or News Funders? An Empirical Analysis of the Solutions Journalism Network’s Revenue Project
by Jacob Nelson and Nicole Dahmen | Many newsrooms have begun pursuing “solutions journalism,” which is defined as a rigorous…
Revealing problems, pointing fingers, and creating impact: A survey of investigative reporters/editors regarding journalistic impact
by Nicole Dahmen and Brent Walth | While investigative reporting is historically impact-oriented, there is a dearth of academic scholarship…
The power of images? Visual journalists’ assessment of the impact of imagery
by Nicole Dahmen, Kaitlin C. Miller, and Brent Walth | Through surveys, this research explores fundamental questions about journalists’ perceptions…
Seeing eye to eye: A comparison of audiences’ and journalists’ perceptions of professional roles
by Jesse Abdenour, Karen McIntyre, and Nicole Dahmen | The “gap” between journalist and audience expectations could be one reason…
Visual solutions journalism: A theoretical framework
by Jennifer Midberry and Nicole Dahmen Solutions journalism, which is defined as rigorous and fact-driven news stories that include responses…
A narrative solution: The relationship between solutions journalism, narrative transportation, and news trust
by Kathryn Thier, Jesse Abdenour, Brent Walth, and Nicole Dahmen Lack of trust is a paramount problem facing journalism. Solutions…
A new reporting approach for journalistic impact: Bringing together investigative reporting and solutions journalism
by Brent Walth, Nicole Dahmen, and Kathryn Thier Investigative reporting identifies social problems and names people in power who should…
Creating engagement with solutions visuals: Testing the effects of problem-oriented versus solution-oriented photojournalism
by Nicole Dahmen, Kathryn Thier, and Brent Walth An increasing number of news organizations are reporting stories about responses to…
Putting broadcast news in context: An analysis of U.S. television journalists’ role conceptions and contextual values
by Nicole Dahmen (with Jesse Abdenour, UO, Karen McIntyre, VCU) Contextual journalism calls for depth of news reporting rather than…
Covering mass shootings: Journalists’ perceptions of coverage and factors influencing attitudes
by Nicole Dahmen (with Jesse Abdenour, UO, Karen McIntyre, VCU, and Krystal Noga-Styron, CWU) Using data from a national survey…
The contextualist function: US newspaper journalists value social responsibility
by Nicole Dahmen (with Karen McIntyre, VCU, and Jesse Abdenour, UO) A survey (N = 1,318) evaluated US newspaper journalists’ attitudes toward…
Opportunities and challenges for initial implementation of solutions journalism coursework
by Kathryn Thier As journalism schools continue to respond to industry disruption, some are adding curricula about practices that reframe…
Images of resilience: The case for visual restorative narrative
A recently labeled genre of journalistic storytelling, termed “restorative narratives,” intends to cover the story beyond the immediacy of the…
Conference Paper Presentations
Appealing to news audiences or news funders? An empirical analysis of the Solutions Journalism Network’s Revenue Project
by Jacob Nelson and Nicole Dahmen | Participatory Journalism Interest Group, Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and…
What do news audiences want? In the absence of metrics, journalists listen to funders
by Jacob Nelson and Nicole Dahmen | Journalism Studies Division, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Paris, France
Can solutions journalism solve journalism’s financial crisis? An empirical analysis of the SJN Revenue Project
by Jacob Nelson and Nicole Dahmen | Journalism Studies Division, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Denver, Colorado
Investigating the impact: A conceptual approach for seeking out, generating, and measuring impact from investigative reporting
by Brent Walth and Nicole Dahmen | Journalism Studies Division, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Denver, Colorado
Revealing problems, pointing fingers, and creating impact: A survey of investigative reporters/editors regarding journalistic impact
by Nicole Dahmen and Brent Walth | Newspaper and Online News Division, Annual Conference of the Association for Education in Journalism…
Catalyst for journalistic impact: A proposed reporting model
by Brent Walth and Nicole Dahmen | Future of Journalism Conference, Cardiff, Wales
The impact of imagery: Visual journalists’ assessment of the power of images
by Nicole Dahmen, Brent Walth, and Kaitlin Bane | Visual Communication Division, Annual Conference of the Association for Education in…
Teaching a new journalistic form intended to spark response and action: Evaluating student learning
by Kathryn Thier, Nicole Dahmen, and Brent Walth | World Journalism Education Congress, Paris, France
Teaching a reporting approach for journalistic impact: Bringing together investigative reporting and solutions journalism
by Brent Walth, Nicole Dahmen, and Kathryn Thier | World Journalism Education Congress, Paris, France
Assessing reporting outcomes: A meta-analysis of journalistic impact literature
by Brent Walth and Nicole Dahmen | Journalism Studies Division, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Washington D.C.
A narrative solution: The relationship between solutions journalism, narrative transportation, and news trust
by Kathryn Thier, Jesse Abdenour, Brent Walth, and Nicole Dahmen | Journalism Studies Division, Annual Conference of the International Communication…
Pairing investigative and solutions journalism: A new model for accountability journalism
by Brent Walth, Nicole Dahmen and Kathryn Thier Journalism Research and Education Section, Annual Conference of the International Association for…
Seeking to restore trust: U.S. audience perceptions of contextual reporting
by Nicole Dahmen (with Jesse Abdenour, UO, and Karen McIntyre, VCU) Journalism Research and Education Section, Annual Conference of the…
Mending a fractured relationship: A solutions journalism framework for re-considering the journalism/nonprofit relationship
by Erin Hampton, Nicole Dahmen and Kathryn Thier Mass Communication Division, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Prague, Czech…
Visual solutions: Testing the effects of exposure to problem-based versus solutions-based photojournalism
by Nicole Dahmen, Kathryn Thier and Brent Walth Visual Communication Studies Division, Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Prague,…
Picturing the solution? An analysis of visuals in solutions journalism
by Nicole Dahmen (with Jennifer Midberry, Indiana) Newspaper & Online News Division, Annual Conference of the Association for Education in…
Conference Panel Presentations
Bringing together investigative and solutions reporting for a new approach to accountability journalism
Brent Walth and Nicole Dahmen (with John Schrag, executive editor, Pamplin Media Group) What is Universe? Conference, Portland, OR. April…
Engaging the next generation: solutions journalism as a solution?
Kathryn Thier (chair) International Journalism Festival, Perugia, Italy. April 2017.
Social and solutions journalism: a new way of teaching the next generation of reporters
Kathryn Thier (with Holly Wise, Texas State, and Hub Brown, Syracuse) Imagining Tomorrow’s Media: Creativity, Innovation and Monetization, Broadcast Education…
Solutions journalism and restorative narrative
Nicole Dahmen and Kathryn Thier Association of Alternative News Media Digital Conference, Portland, OR. January 2017.
Solutions journalism
Kathryn Thier (chair) Frank Gathering on Public Interest Communications, Gainesville, FL. February 2016.